Source code for datasketch.minhash

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from typing import Callable, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
import warnings
import numpy as np

from datasketch.hashfunc import sha1_hash32

# The size of a hash value in number of bytes
hashvalue_byte_size = len(bytes(np.int64(42).data))

_mersenne_prime = np.uint64((1 << 61) - 1)
_max_hash = np.uint64((1 << 32) - 1)
_hash_range = 1 << 32

[docs] class MinHash(object): """MinHash is a probabilistic data structure for computing `Jaccard similarity`_ between sets. Args: num_perm (int): Number of random permutation functions. It will be ignored if `hashvalues` is not None. seed (int): The random seed controls the set of random permutation functions generated for this MinHash. hashfunc (Callable): The hash function used by this MinHash. It takes the input passed to the :meth:`update` method and returns an integer that can be encoded with 32 bits. The default hash function is based on SHA1 from hashlib_. Users can use `farmhash` for better performance. See the example in :meth:`update`. hashobj (**deprecated**): This argument is deprecated since version 1.4.0. It is a no-op and has been replaced by `hashfunc`. hashvalues (Optional[Iterable]): The hash values is the internal state of the MinHash. It can be specified for faster initialization using the existing :attr:`hashvalues` of another MinHash. permutations (Optional[Tuple[Iterable, Iterable]]): The permutation function parameters as a tuple of two lists. This argument can be specified for faster initialization using the existing :attr:`permutations` from another MinHash. Note: To save memory usage, consider using :class:`datasketch.LeanMinHash`. Note: Since version 1.1.1, MinHash will only support serialization using pickle_. ``serialize`` and ``deserialize`` methods are removed, and are supported in :class:`datasketch.LeanMinHash` instead. MinHash serialized before version 1.1.1 cannot be deserialized properly in newer versions (`need to migrate? <>`_). Note: Since version 1.1.3, MinHash uses Numpy's random number generator instead of Python's built-in random package. This change makes the hash values consistent across different Python versions. The side-effect is that now MinHash created before version 1.1.3 won't work (i.e., :meth:`jaccard`, :meth:`merge` and :meth:`union`) with those created after. .. _`Jaccard similarity`: .. _hashlib: .. _`pickle`: """
[docs] def __init__( self, num_perm: int = 128, seed: int = 1, hashfunc: Callable = sha1_hash32, hashobj: Optional[object] = None, # Deprecated. hashvalues: Optional[Iterable] = None, permutations: Optional[Tuple[Iterable, Iterable]] = None, ) -> None: if hashvalues is not None: num_perm = len(hashvalues) if num_perm > _hash_range: # Because 1) we don't want the size to be too large, and # 2) we are using 4 bytes to store the size value raise ValueError( "Cannot have more than %d number of\ permutation functions" % _hash_range ) self.seed = seed self.num_perm = num_perm # Check the hash function. if not callable(hashfunc): raise ValueError("The hashfunc must be a callable.") self.hashfunc = hashfunc # Check for use of hashobj and issue warning. if hashobj is not None: warnings.warn( "hashobj is deprecated, use hashfunc instead.", DeprecationWarning ) # Initialize hash values if hashvalues is not None: self.hashvalues = self._parse_hashvalues(hashvalues) else: self.hashvalues = self._init_hashvalues(num_perm) # Initalize permutation function parameters if permutations is not None: self.permutations = permutations else: self.permutations = self._init_permutations(num_perm) if len(self) != len(self.permutations[0]): raise ValueError("Numbers of hash values and permutations mismatch")
def _init_hashvalues(self, num_perm: int) -> np.ndarray: return np.ones(num_perm, dtype=np.uint64) * _max_hash def _init_permutations(self, num_perm: int) -> np.ndarray: # Create parameters for a random bijective permutation function # that maps a 32-bit hash value to another 32-bit hash value. # gen = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) return np.array( [ ( gen.randint(1, _mersenne_prime, dtype=np.uint64), gen.randint(0, _mersenne_prime, dtype=np.uint64), ) for _ in range(num_perm) ], dtype=np.uint64, ).T def _parse_hashvalues(self, hashvalues): return np.array(hashvalues, dtype=np.uint64)
[docs] def update(self, b) -> None: """Update this MinHash with a new value. The value will be hashed using the hash function specified by the `hashfunc` argument in the constructor. Args: b: The value to be hashed using the hash function specified. Example: To update with a new string value (using the default SHA1 hash function, which requires bytes as input): .. code-block:: python minhash = Minhash() minhash.update("new value".encode('utf-8')) We can also use a different hash function, for example, `pyfarmhash`: .. code-block:: python import farmhash def _hash_32(b): return farmhash.hash32(b) minhash = MinHash(hashfunc=_hash_32) minhash.update("new value") """ hv = self.hashfunc(b) a, b = self.permutations phv = np.bitwise_and((a * hv + b) % _mersenne_prime, _max_hash) self.hashvalues = np.minimum(phv, self.hashvalues)
[docs] def update_batch(self, b: Iterable) -> None: """Update this MinHash with new values. The values will be hashed using the hash function specified by the `hashfunc` argument in the constructor. Args: b (Iterable): Values to be hashed using the hash function specified. Example: To update with new string values (using the default SHA1 hash function, which requires bytes as input): .. code-block:: python minhash = Minhash() minhash.update_batch([s.encode('utf-8') for s in ["token1", "token2"]]) """ hv = np.array([self.hashfunc(_b) for _b in b], dtype=np.uint64, ndmin=2).T a, b = self.permutations phv = (hv * a + b) % _mersenne_prime & _max_hash self.hashvalues = np.vstack([phv, self.hashvalues]).min(axis=0)
[docs] def jaccard(self, other: MinHash) -> float: """Estimate the `Jaccard similarity`_ (resemblance) between the sets represented by this MinHash and the other. Args: other (MinHash): The other MinHash. Returns: float: The Jaccard similarity, which is between 0.0 and 1.0. Raises: ValueError: If the two MinHashes have different numbers of permutation functions or different seeds. """ if other.seed != self.seed: raise ValueError( "Cannot compute Jaccard given MinHash with\ different seeds" ) if len(self) != len(other): raise ValueError( "Cannot compute Jaccard given MinHash with\ different numbers of permutation functions" ) return float(np.count_nonzero(self.hashvalues == other.hashvalues)) / float( len(self) )
[docs] def count(self) -> float: """Estimate the cardinality count based on the technique described in `this paper <>`_. Returns: int: The estimated cardinality of the set represented by this MinHash. """ k = len(self) return float(k) / np.sum(self.hashvalues / float(_max_hash)) - 1.0
[docs] def merge(self, other: MinHash) -> None: """Merge the other MinHash with this one, making this one the union of both. Args: other (MinHash): The other MinHash. Raises: ValueError: If the two MinHashes have different numbers of permutation functions or different seeds. """ if other.seed != self.seed: raise ValueError( "Cannot merge MinHash with\ different seeds" ) if len(self) != len(other): raise ValueError( "Cannot merge MinHash with\ different numbers of permutation functions" ) self.hashvalues = np.minimum(other.hashvalues, self.hashvalues)
[docs] def digest(self) -> np.ndarray: """Export the hash values, which is the internal state of the MinHash. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The hash values which is a Numpy array. """ return copy.copy(self.hashvalues)
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """ Returns: bool: If the current MinHash is empty - at the state of just initialized. """ if np.any(self.hashvalues != _max_hash): return False return True
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the current state of the MinHash. All hash values are reset. """ self.hashvalues = self._init_hashvalues(len(self))
[docs] def copy(self) -> MinHash: """ Returns: MinHash: a copy of this MinHash by exporting its state. """ return MinHash( seed=self.seed, hashfunc=self.hashfunc, hashvalues=self.digest(), permutations=self.permutations, )
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns: int: The number of hash values. """ return len(self.hashvalues)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: MinHash) -> bool: """ Returns: bool: If their seeds and hash values are both equal then two are equivalent. """ return ( type(self) is type(other) and self.seed == other.seed and np.array_equal(self.hashvalues, other.hashvalues) )
[docs] @classmethod def union(cls, *mhs: MinHash) -> MinHash: """Create a MinHash which is the union of the MinHash objects passed as arguments. Args: *mhs (MinHash): The MinHash objects to be united. The argument list length is variable, but must be at least 2. Returns: MinHash: a new union MinHash. Raises: ValueError: If the number of MinHash objects passed as arguments is less than 2, or if the MinHash objects passed as arguments have different seeds or different numbers of permutation functions. Example: .. code-block:: python from datasketch import MinHash import numpy as np m1 = MinHash(num_perm=128) m1.update_batch(np.random.randint(low=0, high=30, size=10)) m2 = MinHash(num_perm=128) m2.update_batch(np.random.randint(low=0, high=30, size=10)) # Union m1 and m2. m = MinHash.union(m1, m2) """ if len(mhs) < 2: raise ValueError("Cannot union less than 2 MinHash") num_perm = len(mhs[0]) seed = mhs[0].seed if any((seed != m.seed or num_perm != len(m)) for m in mhs): raise ValueError( "The unioning MinHash must have the\ same seed and number of permutation functions" ) hashvalues = np.minimum.reduce([m.hashvalues for m in mhs]) permutations = mhs[0].permutations return cls( num_perm=num_perm, seed=seed, hashvalues=hashvalues, permutations=permutations, )
[docs] @classmethod def bulk(cls, b: Iterable, **minhash_kwargs) -> List[MinHash]: """Compute MinHashes in bulk. This method avoids unnecessary overhead when initializing many minhashes by reusing the initialized state. Args: b (Iterable): An Iterable of lists of bytes, each list is hashed in to one MinHash in the output. **minhash_kwargs: Keyword arguments used to initialize MinHash, will be used for all minhashes. Returns: List[datasketch.MinHash]: A list of computed MinHashes. Example: .. code-block:: python from datasketch import MinHash data = [[b'token1', b'token2', b'token3'], [b'token4', b'token5', b'token6']] minhashes = MinHash.bulk(data, num_perm=64) """ return list(cls.generator(b, **minhash_kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod def generator(cls, b: Iterable, **minhash_kwargs) -> Generator[MinHash, None, None]: """Compute MinHashes in a generator. This method avoids unnecessary overhead when initializing many minhashes by reusing the initialized state. Args: b (Iterable): An Iterable of lists of bytes, each list is hashed in to one MinHash in the output. minhash_kwargs: Keyword arguments used to initialize MinHash, will be used for all minhashes. Returns: Generator[MinHash, None, None]: a generator of computed MinHashes. Example: .. code-block:: python from datasketch import MinHash data = [[b'token1', b'token2', b'token3'], [b'token4', b'token5', b'token6']] for minhash in MinHash.generator(data, num_perm=64): # do something useful minhash """ m = cls(**minhash_kwargs) for _b in b: _m = m.copy() _m.update_batch(_b) yield _m